
Nata a Venezia nel 1926 da Corrado Tumiati, medico scrittore antifascista, e Maria Luzzatto, ebrea... leggi tutto
Monika Vaicenaviciene is an award-winning illustrator and picture book author. She was born in 1991... leggi tutto
Silvia Vecchini
Silvia Vecchini was born in Perugia in 1975. She graduated in Modern Literature and she’s... leggi tutto
José Maria Vieira Mendes was born in 1974 in Lisbon, where he currently lives. In the past, he also... leggi tutto
Jurga Vilė was born in 1977 in Vilnius, Lithuania. She earned a bachelor’s degree in French... leggi tutto
Anna Villani
Anna Villani è nata a Verona nel 1984. Vive a Milano dal 2003: ha studiato Design di Interni al... leggi tutto
Kurt Vonnegut is a unique voice in the American literary canon. He was born in 1922 in Indianapolis... leggi tutto
Giovanna Zoboli
Giovanna Zoboli is a writer and publisher. In 2004, together with Paolo Canton, she founded... leggi tutto
Valentina Zucchi was born in 1977 in Biella, Piedmont. She first graduated in History of Modern Art... leggi tutto
Germano Zullo - Topipittori
Germano Zullo, autore di romanzi e racconti, è nato a Ginevra nel 1968, dove vive e lavora. Insieme... leggi tutto