Cristina Bellemo was born in 1970 in Bassano del Grappa, where she currently lives. After studying humanities at secondary school, she graduated in Ancient Greek at Padua University. She’s been working as a journalist for several magazines and she’s director of L’AbBeCedario, a magazine issued by the A.B.C. Association (Associazione Bambini Chirurgici) of Burlo Garofolo children’s hospital in Trieste. She’s written a number of books (Edizioni Messaggero Padova, Erickson Edizioni, Zoolibri, Topipittori, Rizzoli) and curated art catalogues for Bozzetto Edizioni. Besides, she’s been awarded literary prizes such as Trofeo Baia delle favole within Premio Andersen for La leggerezza perduta. She’s married to Massimiliano and has a daughter, Cecilia, and a son, Sebastiano. Since many years, she regularly meets children and adults with whom she shares the passion and the magic of storytelling. She collaborates with the eccentric theatre company I Poffargnacchi and she often leaves for unexpected journeys: her baggage is a cart full of books.