An alphabet of fables

Price: €14,00
SKU: 9788889210826
32 softcover
Foreign rights: 

A much-loved poet, Bruno Tognolini, and one of the best Italian illustrators, Antonella Abbatiello, give life to a fascinating collection of rhymes devoted to fairy tales. An alphabet of words and images, letter after letter, takes the children through the themes, meanings and symbols that dot the fairytales of all times, traditions and countries. In these pages, you will find magic rings, lost children, forgotten castles, dragons, and then, puzzles, fires, giants, spells, labyrinths, and many, many other wonders, in a dizzying succession of rhymes, shapes and colors.
[Text in Italian]

A book for: 
  • learning popular tales by reading poetry;
  • playing with symbols, places and characters of fairy tales;
  • starting again and again. 

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