What is a child?

Price: €16,00
SKU: 9788889210253
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The best-selling, award winning author and illustrator Beatrice Alemagna, poses a difficult question: What is a child? More than enough to remain speechless. And here‘s how Beatrice answers the question, drawing from the strenght of her sophisticated imagination: “A child is a person, but small”, with small hands, small feet, and small ears. But his thoughts and ideas are not necessarily as small as he is. From the intertwining of cristalline words and poetic pictures, an amusing, moving and illuminating book is born: a child-sized portrait gallery, that will fascinate grown-ups too. A book to read together, to help children answer the question “Who am I?” and to help parents remind what it means to be a kid.
[Text in Italian]

Also published in: 
French, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), Dutch, (Traditional) Chinese, Korean, Swedish, English, (Simplified) Chinese, Japanese, Romanian.

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